
Posts Tagged ‘rinari’

Rails and Emacs: Rsense and Auto-Complete

2011/07/17 Comments off

If you’re developing Rails with Emacs and using Rinari here are two more extensions you might like:


Installation. Just  as described. Code completion for ruby-on-rails with emacs!

And the package is written in Java(!), Very cool!

I am impressed!

Using a different minor-mode-prefix with Rinari (Emacs Rails)

2010/04/27 Comments off

Rinari is a Ruby on Rails Minor Mode for GNU/Emacs.

Problem: Most key mappings / keyboard shortcuts rely on the hard coded strings “;” and “‘” (I.e. “C-; f c” -> rinari-find-controller). These prefixes are difficult to access on a German keyboard because they require the shift modifier.

Solution: The following code adds a comma to the list of rinari-prefix strings. Add it to your GNU/Emacs configuration file (i.e. ~/.emacs):

(add-to-list 'load-path "~/your-path-to-rinari-source-code/rinari")
;; This patch must appear before the line "(require 'rinari)"!
(defvar rinari-minor-mode-prefixes
(list ";" "'" ",") ;; CHANGE Added comma to prefix list
     "List of characters, each of which will be bound (with C-c) as a rinari-minor-mode keymap prefix.")

(require 'rinari)

Result: We can now access the command “rinari-find-controller” with the key sequence “C-c , f c”.

Side note: I’m all ears for more Emacs-Lispy solutions to this problem. 😉